Thursday, July 23, 2020

George Floyd At 16 Years in Judge Judies Court : Stealing a Car is Okay!? (Video)

Goodness - This almost seems like a altered video?(It just might be fake.) He was so matter-of-fact and unconcerned about stealing a car. So what, "I wanted a car to get home!''. Unreal. Can someone be so devoid of ethics and ordinary morality to explain on television his total lack of personal responsibility for the law and other peoples property?

(Fact finders are not sure this is real but probably they are democraaats)  heh

George Floyd - who is he and why?

Impossible to believe!!! I feel very sorry for his Parents!!! This is the young stage of the person Pelosi Galore considers a martyr! Martyrs are people who have died after doing GOOD for their fellow citizens, or for doing something that certain people believe was the right thing to do even though it is criminal but his followers like what he did. 

That Floyd was murdered is no excuse for rioting and looting! Demanding the law be fulfilled is! But it wasn't about the law or George Floyd, it was an excuse to take power away for others!

Floyd was spent his life doing time in jail for 9 convictions including armed robbery assault, etc.
But a martyr? Looting and burning down the country by admitted BLM Marxists, communist is to help fellow black people? How does this work when many of the businesses that were destroyed were black businesses!

George Floyd when he was 16!

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