Sunday, July 12, 2020

President Trump's Fight For America's Heritage of Freedom : Socialist Scream Tyranny!

Just the thought of having someone take a stand for freedom and liberty drives the progressive socialist liberal democraaats into a insane frenzy. Their entire mental founding is based destroying the system of law and order in America as founded 244 years ago. What the progressive socialist democraaats want is Barrrack's religious jihad for "fundamental change'' to become a reality. And given all of the destruction is our cites with the burning of building and looting of stores out of control, Barrrack's vision of change is being realized.

Government being all things for all people without question. The problem though is with BLM and Antifa demanding all people take a knee to their demands for absolute power, the strategy for their "reconstruction" of America has gone off the rails. (It was never about remaking the country better, it was always about taking ultimate power for themselves!)

BLM and Antifa have declared on their websites to have a Marxist agenda and ideology as their working model for America. This means they believe communism is a better solution for America. That the individual freedom to choose one own destiny is no longer allowed. Only those in power will make all decision for you and your family.

Why would anyone vote this November for self destruction? Never vote democraaat every again!!!

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