Wednesday, December 06, 2023

The Border Collie and Our Constitution : The Reasoning Is Simple And Correct!

 The border Collie sheep dog is trained to take orders from their handlers to take the herd to pasture and then back again. If some of the herd stray from the pack, this guy rounds them up and brings them back.

There is a good corollary here in that our Constitution is much the same. Our original handlers, our forefathers made the rules to for us based on firsthand knowledge under extreme pressure for what works and what doesn't! 

Our Constitution is a guide for us to follow and if we stray, the powers that be will round us up and bring us back to reality using the rule of law. And it has worked perfectly for 250 years.

Simple and direct, right? But what if some of the herd decide to strike out on their own by making a break for the wide-open land all around them believing the rules don't apply to them and if they believe if enough of trhe herd go along, the ruling management will be overwhelmed and therefore have no effect on the plans of those who stared the break in the first place.

Of course those who are waiting in the shadows know full well, the break is doomed to fail. Without the rule of law applied evenly among all the participants, as our forefathers found the hard way, all will be lost as more and more of the herd like sheep fall to the slaughter!

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