Sunday, December 31, 2023

University Leadership Out of The Shadows of Hell Itself!!

 The intensity of the discussion, questioning of Harvard president Claudia Gay concerning her reaction to the murderous mob on her campus demanding the freeing of Palestine, Gaza, from Isarel, and the death to all Jews in Israel, is an act of genocide and acceptable to Harvard's institutional laws of operation? 

This hearting that took place in congressional hearings with the 4 university presidents by Republican congressional representative Elis Stefanik and others to find out what was acceptable and what isn't seeking an examination of why they reacted the way they did.

President Gay of Harvard's thoughts on the matter is more than stunning but horrifyingly inhuman and other worldly. The general population is dumbfounded and frightened for the future of higher education.

And if that isn't enough, more than 500 staff members of Harvard signed a letter in support of her behavior as president of Harvard university.

Was there ever any doubt about the sincerity of the elites
that govern us as to their intentions. If there were they
don't exist any longer! Wearing the twisted cross with pride!

Maybe the biggest problem that we face today is coming to
grips with the ongoing struggle for the citizens with the
incomprehensible thoughts of many in leadership today.
These people are not real but a contingent from the last
century around 1938!

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