Friday, December 29, 2023

Dammed If You Do or Dammed If You Don't! : Marxist democraaats Are Here!!!

 No matter where you turn in modern society today, education, government or religion, if you are a hard work person that is in the trenches of reality, you are targeted as the problem and must be stopped before you do real damage to the new Marxist liberated norm;

 ''From each according to your abilities and To each according to your need''!

And who are these free-thinking monsters? The people that know better than what they are told IS the new normal, They are demanding what went before was and is much better than what is now professed as a better alternative.

Living with a gun to your head is much better than being out in the cold having to make decisions on your own where if you make a mistake, there loss of money and labor effort.

But if government makes all of the decisions for you, there is no loss other than self-esteem and taking pride in your own innovations. Your own destiny. See, having ride in a job well done not a good thing, living on your knees is not so bad, it's easy once you get used to it!

The pride in self is not a good thing for government that needs total control of all things, even your very soul!

Total government control of all things is understood to
be a good thing, even mass murder when it's taught in our
universities, is good and if done for right reasons!!

Make no mistake, if you don't obey, you must be 
discipled! Never question the narrative or the new 
agenda and ideology of ''One to Control the Many!''
or the result will be dire!

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