Tuesday, December 26, 2023

And What Is Reality? : Civil Society Begins To Awaken?

 I guess it's obvious or should be what we are witnessing is a modern Renaissance where general public on all sides sees the absurdity of Marxist ideology and agenda in our civil society. It has finally begun register, to taking hold of the conscience of the general public to say, 'what the hell is going on here?'

Maybe the demand for an entire people to be killed, murdered is what the mob in the streets says Israel is doing, nonsense, but actually what the Marxists are demanding for the Jews and Israel is a genocide and is something even the dimmest among us can understand is insane rhetoric and behavior. 

This is especially a criminal demand for those of us living Ameria, a free and prosperous nation founded over 250 years ago on the idea that everyone has a right to exist no matter what their religion or race. The Marxist newly liberated democraaats don't see that way.

Seems simple enough but the Marxist ideology has taken hold of what we all thought were the smartest and brightest among us to the point where common sense and reality no longer exists.

But the acceptance of an ideology of total destruction of entire race of people has taken the very soul of many in our great country leaving them empty and mentally desolate.

The university says as long as you can get away with
cheating, do it! And it works! How about the 2020 election?

"I have to admit I cheated on everyting I have ever done in
my career but it hasn't less effective in get and keeping the
power for control and a lot of money. So what's your problem?

''See, you know I'm right and if you disagree the media
will come for your children!''

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