Sunday, December 10, 2023

The Good Governor of California Has Some Decisions To Make!

 The good governor has some big decision to make before he starts measuring the drapes in the Oval office. He believes it won't be that much harder to govern the country to do then taking the largest state in the union into free fall destruction, so why not go for it!

He knows the question now is, ''Can I fool all of the people all of the time or will it be enough to fool just some of the people all of the time''!

Ol' Gav has done everything he can to make California
great again but has failed to deliver. That once great state
run by only democraaats has shown to be less than the final
solution for greatness!

After the debate with DeSantis, he's thinking maybe he needs
 a different approach to demonstrate his abilities to run the country
other than what he has accomplished in California!

But then what Biiyden and the other Marxist liberated 
democraaats have done so far after 3 years, the transition
to my style of governing won't be that much different!

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