Monday, December 25, 2023

Marxist Newly Liberated democraaats : What Does The Law Say? Whose Law?

It's clear to anyone that isn't totally asleep and therefore unaware of what is going on in our country.

As millions of citizens actually are unaware, due to not having any media source of information that believes telling the truth is a priority. 

''Hey, it's not in our contract.''

But what is in the contract is an iron clad adherence to an agenda, an ideology of ''by any means necessary' to get and keep the power for control.

And this is not new, it has always been there, it's just now the window of opportunity is wide open given the Marxists are in control and must act now to bring about their agenda before next November when Republicans might win causing the entire country to catch fire and burn.

This isn't cheating, for the Marxist newly liberated socialist
democraaats it's just a way of life. There are no rules other
than those that benefit them for their grab for more power.

What is the truth and does it really matter? 

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