Saturday, December 23, 2023

Fear Driving the Ignorant In Colorado To Distraction : Power Breeds The Need For More!!

Here is a little something from the dark passed, when the old Soviet Union headed into the ash heap of history, the communists needed some place to go to continue their work destroying another nation and what they saw was America as the best and weakest nation to commit their ideology to work.

They firmly believed the Americans are so distracted with their foolishness of individual freedom and liberty to take a quick look around to see who is taking notice, that they will not see us coming before it's too late to stop us!

No? Then maybe you have been asleep at the wheel. The communist's ideology is in control of many of our universities and much of our government agencies. The ''deep state'' or the ''shadow government'', unelected bureaucrats are organized and ready to support the transition of a totally centralized government.

Here is another good one from Josph Staling on educating the people, ''Education is a weapon, whose effect depends on who holds it in his his hands and at whom it is aimed!''

The Newly liberated democraaats understood much of the ideology of Stalin when they effectively instigated one his slogans for the education of the youth from elementary to our universities, ''Ideas are more powerful than guns and we don't our enemies have guns so why should we let them have ideas''

Stalin also had a saying about voting that fits the newly liberated democraaats to a tee, 'It enough that the people know there was an election. Those who vote decide nothing. Those that count the votes decide everything''! 

Wonder no longer why the Colorado Supreme court voted to take Donald Trump off the ballot. Trump is one of the people!

What we see and what we are told on a daily basis from the mainstream media, also under the influence of the communist ideology, that our country is not a good place to live, it's systematically racist and homophobic and an evil empire dedicated to taking wealth and resources from other countries to satisfy our greed for money and power. 

Believe it or not this is just what the newly liberated Marxist democraaats are all about today.

Remember the old communist slogan of ''To each according to ones needs and from each according to ones abilities''. is at the center of the newly liberated democraaats push for a ''one size fits all'' strategy where government is all powerful to make all decisions for everyone.

The newly liberated democraaats have a new hero to 
lead them into the new century!

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