Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The Squad Has ''Gone Dark''? : How Come? Lack of Trust? Ideology?

 All kinds of new things are taking place in our country and one of the most amazing things is the Marxist liberated socialists, communists have found that maybe, given the nightmare at the southern border and with the coming election the immigrant flow will double or even triple in the next year because if a Republican wins the presidency, the gates to America will close with a bang that is heard around the world.

Just imagine how She will have to explain to the voters how we all must help 13-17 million new people to find the American dream when the other 320 million are wonder where the American dream they had is gone and it was her fault!! Where will she run? Where will she hide?

Well, never mind that, she's a good Marxist democraaat that says she hates the way the country was founded. That's a good thing for her. So, all she needs then is to blame Trump, the Republicans and all will be forgiven! Usually, that's it will take to get a pass for committing treason!

A large part of the population has no idea what's happening all around them!! 

''Don't bother me with your noisy and irritating rhetoric, can't you see I'm busy texting my friend next door!''

What the problem anyway? I see nothing wrong with a few
people that die wanting something they think they have earned!
Sure, the hospitals are closed, and the schools are closed but you
can't have everything you want, right? Chil!

She can't believe it was that easy for her friends to just give
up the fight! She believed everyone that hates Jews as much
as she does would fight to the death to rid the world of such
terrible people!!

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