Wednesday, December 27, 2023

''Hallelujah, Biiydenomics Is Here!'' : And Are The People Fooled?

Just when you thought it was safe to breathe again, Joe explains how things work even though you find yourself waist deep in a morass of abject failure.

But never fear, all those sitting in the front pew in the church of Marxist socialism understand.

''Hallelujah!!! they scream, we've never had it so good!!!''

Well anyway, enjoy the day!!

''Trust me, no joke, I know from 50 years of living on the 
federal tit how things work and how to make sure I get rich!''
Our federal government at work!!!

Perhaps the best description of just how so many among us
don't understand just how dangerous what we are witnessing
right now, today in our beautiful country!

And when they find themselves and their family living in
a dumpster, or a cardboard box on the street, they will have
no idea why!!!

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