Saturday, December 23, 2023

Abortion kills 100's of Thousands! : Who Cares! Millions of Replacements Are Here!

Relax, Replacement is just theory! The democraaats really don't want to replace millions of American citizens with paid for Chinese warriors and others from 140 different countries from around the world, right? 

They really don't actually want to cause as much damage to the county as they can before they lose power, right?

Hey, how much damage could 14 million illegals running wild across Amecia in every city and town, destroying the education system, medical facilities, social services and law enforcement agencies across the country.

What could go wrong??

Many millions of citizens cannot comprehend that an entire
 national party is willingly allowing foreign illegal people
to over-run our country to take it away from the
people by force their ability to live and survive?

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