Tuesday, December 12, 2023

JFK On the Global Stage Saying , "It's Worse Than We Thought!''

 He flew in on his twin engine jet to Dubi to explain how he knows so much about how we all are going die and yet he and his fellow participants and their jet aircraft flew into Dubi from all over the world in by the hundreds to tell us all we have stop using fossil energy as ''WE'', citizens, are destroying the planet!

But in a meeting after this confab attended by most ranking officials to discuss what was accomplished at climate meeting, and agreed on meeting in two months. They all agreed as well, laughter, that they really aren't stupid enough to believe anyone will think they are going to die from what we say. I'm jsut saying, really, we aren't complete morons!!'' said John Kerry.

 (Much laugher as they all head out to tarmac to board their jets to fly home! )

A democraaat fool on parade!

And speaking of fools, how about another
mentally ill fool titled as an expert on climate,
a nutjob teenager!

Exactly how things will turn out for all of us if
JFK has anything to do with our country!

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