Tuesday, December 19, 2023

The Class of 2023 Is Different This Year! : A Real and Present Danger!

 As the after-action report from the congressional hearings on our universes being found to be out of control as the population witnessed the hate for Jews was extremely genocidal by Marxist newly liberated democraaats rampaged by the thousands demanding several ivy league schools support the total eradication all Jews. 

The question that this congressional hearing was concerning, is this within the confines of their school's laws and mandate for educational excellence.? 

The question asked of the 4 ivy league school presidents was, 'do you agree or condemn the actions of those currently assembled in front of your schools demanding death to Isarael and all Jews?!' 

As history can witness, the four presidents couldn't answer the question with a yes or no!!!

Poison Ivy!

We educate to hate and divide for power for control!

Then what is left to decide conceding what is the definition of
a good education? Is it worth $70,000 a year to become
street warriors?

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