Sunday, December 31, 2023

Education is The Answer For Success and failure : The Hand That Rocks The Boat!?

 They aren't hiding any longer in the shadows of elementary schools, high schools as well as universities professing freedom is not what we t think it is. 

Real freedom is understanding leadership that has your best interests at heart when proposing rules for control of we might be, and to object that scenario is tantamount to disobeying natural law. 

Natural law based on who is at the levers of power and designated beyond doubt to have superior leadership qualities needed to build a quality society of citizens who are willing servants for the betterment of that society. 

Who better than well educated people who know the rules and therefore better positioned to make the necessary decisions to make the rules function as desired.

And even better, administrators encouraging them to be 
whatever they want to be. Some even identify as trees in the
forest! What could go wrong there?
They are told finding a job might be difficult but don't lie to
yourself, just be whatever you want after you leave school!

Life is full of surprises!


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