Thursday, December 28, 2023

Why Are Young People So Confused About Whatz Real?

 A poll just out stated young people believe Osama bin Ladin find no fault with him, one in five!

What happened to our schooling!?

Some of the expert analysis stated that they didn't know the difference between names Osama and Ogbymma as most where not even born on 9//11, the names are close and to someone that hasn't done anything of merit where personal responsibility is required, it stands to reason they will do and say anything that is required to remine inside the loop. 

To actually make a decision on national and or international events that varies from the accepted norm of the socialist culture could mean being cast into the outer darkness outside the loop.

A horrifying experience to the young and the ignorant!

Just think about of all of the information that's available
to the youth today who have no idea what it all means and 
what the results are of making the wrong decision
as they have no history about what is right and
what is wrong in the real world.

''Hey, if it means I have to say I hate America to stay
inside the acceptable norm, I'll do that!''

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