Wednesday, December 20, 2023

What Is The ''Newsom Effect''? : Not A Theory!

 It seems that most of the Marxist liberated democraaats are of one mind, dah!, believing there will be ''brokered convention'' to bring a replacement for Ol' Joe. Just imagine what Joe will look like in another year and how he will perform in a debate with Trump! Yikes!

Still, it seems that ''Newsom The Great'' will be the front runner with maybe Michael Ogbymma waiting in the wings to make her grand entrance. That last feed will be a long shot but if she is the nominee after extreme destruction of common sense and lunatic strategy leaving Newsom to wonder what happened to his charm and wit, the election will never be in doubt. The Obama's are back!! 

But but, but, Michael is not the only black woman on stage, so is Kamala and she will not go quietly into the good night! Which brings up some interesting scenarios for how and what the debate will look like for the final run for the prize of being the nominee!

Just imagine, two totally incompetent democraaats going head-to-head on the national stage demanding they are better than what preceding them as president, Joe Biiyden! 

The country cannot and will not survive a confrontation like that!

''I'm the best there ever was! Trust me, I won't
lie to you!'' 

''No, wait, it's true! Trust me! I can do this
and more!''

Don't believe your lying eyes! He's from California and he is
here to make things better!

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