Friday, December 01, 2023

Ruling From The Streets? : The Mob Lead by Women Making The Rules?

 Is it just my imagination or fact that large numbers of women are now in charge of most everything from being judges, legislators, mayors, and governors, let alone being vice president of the Untied Strates and doing irrefutable damage to our country?

Many are of course doing good work to solve many of our huge problems that plaque our civil society.

Then to are many systematically flawed in their thinking which raises questions concerning their apparent nature to be overly aggressive in how they make decisions? Who's leading many of the antisemitic riots today? Judges making rulings outside of Constitutional limits? Governors seemingly ruling from a place where their constituents don't live or work?

Are they all without limits for common sense, absolutely not. But even when the mainstream media shows them be willingly from a different place than the majority, radical and mentally without shame of conscience, others are taking note?

Consequently, the game of thrones takes on a different light entirely from our history of men only being the political criminals.

Who is exactly making the rules today, men are women?

The problem here is the men making the rules aren't actually
men but women in disguise! Or maybe just women who are
taking charge by forces of nature.

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