Sunday, December 31, 2023

Okay, Now For Some Fun! : Small Dogs Finding The Food! (Great Video)

 This is so cool and fun to watch - You have to smile at least! If you don't or can't, some might think you are a democraaat and that's not good!

Enjoy the new year!!

You Can't Lose When The Entire Nation Is Involved! : Now or Never!!

The nation of Isarel is at war with most the world and nearly all are not concerned who wins of loses except those that have the most to lose!

Everyone has a roll to play to make sure there will be
a place to come home to!!

Fun Facts Unknown In Most Higher Sociological Societies!

 Now don't you feel more informed than just a few minutes ago?

University Leadership Out of The Shadows of Hell Itself!!

 The intensity of the discussion, questioning of Harvard president Claudia Gay concerning her reaction to the murderous mob on her campus demanding the freeing of Palestine, Gaza, from Isarel, and the death to all Jews in Israel, is an act of genocide and acceptable to Harvard's institutional laws of operation? 

This hearting that took place in congressional hearings with the 4 university presidents by Republican congressional representative Elis Stefanik and others to find out what was acceptable and what isn't seeking an examination of why they reacted the way they did.

President Gay of Harvard's thoughts on the matter is more than stunning but horrifyingly inhuman and other worldly. The general population is dumbfounded and frightened for the future of higher education.

And if that isn't enough, more than 500 staff members of Harvard signed a letter in support of her behavior as president of Harvard university.

Was there ever any doubt about the sincerity of the elites
that govern us as to their intentions. If there were they
don't exist any longer! Wearing the twisted cross with pride!

Maybe the biggest problem that we face today is coming to
grips with the ongoing struggle for the citizens with the
incomprehensible thoughts of many in leadership today.
These people are not real but a contingent from the last
century around 1938!

Education is The Answer For Success and failure : The Hand That Rocks The Boat!?

 They aren't hiding any longer in the shadows of elementary schools, high schools as well as universities professing freedom is not what we t think it is. 

Real freedom is understanding leadership that has your best interests at heart when proposing rules for control of we might be, and to object that scenario is tantamount to disobeying natural law. 

Natural law based on who is at the levers of power and designated beyond doubt to have superior leadership qualities needed to build a quality society of citizens who are willing servants for the betterment of that society. 

Who better than well educated people who know the rules and therefore better positioned to make the necessary decisions to make the rules function as desired.

And even better, administrators encouraging them to be 
whatever they want to be. Some even identify as trees in the
forest! What could go wrong there?
They are told finding a job might be difficult but don't lie to
yourself, just be whatever you want after you leave school!

Life is full of surprises!


democraaats Fail to Deliver! : The Abyss Awaits Our Arrival!

Well, let's see, what's happened so far over the last 3 years to make sure we all vote for those that have done so much for us, making our lives better, safer and giving us the ability to become prosperous? How much better are we now then we were 3 years ago? 

What exactly is the definition of rocket science?

Yet many millions have no idea why they are struggling. They are told it's those people that want to be left alone to find their own place in society rejecting the helping hand of government. 

Little wonder then why our society is so divided between those who believe government can make life more enjoyable and easier to manage, and those that believe government cannot be all things to all people but a hindrance, a danger to having a successful purpose for life and living.

Again, read and understand the history of a socialist governments that are in control of all things will destroy everything of worth. 

Truly, the government will be the enemy of the people!

As the United States heads into the abyss of a failure to 
deliver Constitutional promises, we are now asked or even
demanded to vote for self-destruction!

Saturday, December 30, 2023

A Voice Crying In The Wilderness: Are We Just Sheep??

 Well, maybe so!

democraaats Demonstrate Their Demands For Diversity, Equity and Inclusion!

 The  democraaats come out in full force to reclaim their heritage of one rule for all people. It worked tp perfection when the democraaats  founded their enforcement shown here, a unit back in the early 20th century to make things right by force of arms.

This is exactly who they are and always have been and always will be!!

And now they believe it's time to resurrect that historical effort again, hidden but never allowed to die, to make things Equitable! (Does president Gay understand what's happening in the collective!? (Formerly the democrat party?)

Goodness, more good citizens rally at the capital for 
justice. The democraaats here are carrying on the best 
traditional demonstration of their history of the party that
brought them glory and honor over the past
several decades!!

The nations foremost university begins to demonstrate their
obedience to the narrative of the Marxist democraaats that
believe they are now truly in control of all things.

Harvard President Gay believes it is time to take a stand
on whatshe believes is the true nature of education in
America, the naysayers be dammed!
Communism moves forward and will succeed in its
 ideology for diversity, equity and inclusion for everyone!

All things will be equal but somethings more equal 
than others.
(All things may be possible, but all things don't edify!)

Equity means equality in outcomes, Inclusion means
opportunity while Diversity means by any
means necessary!!!

How Capitalism and Socialism work( Or Don't!) : A Pictorial Illustration Explains!!

 Our educational systems is flawed beyond repair. When 1in 5 students 18 to 24 believe this guy is an okay and America is the problem in the world, not a mass killer Osama bin Laden,


who murdered 3000 thousand Americans on September11, 2011 in New York and elsewhere, we, as a free nation have to believe there is a systemic problem with the education of the youth of America.

And now the truth is being told by Donald Trump's attackers
who are demanding he is the problem for the people finding
 out who the democraaats really are what they
 intend for our great country!

And what is the message from the Marxist newly liberated
democraaats, ''The protests in the summer of love were alittle
fiery but peaceful!''

There were792 riots, 25 people killed, 1100 police injured,
one police officer killed and more than 2 $billion dollars
 in damages! No arrests! No prison terms!!!

But never mind the destruction in the ''summer of  love'', because
what those monsters did, breaching those open doors while police
gave escorts around the interior of the capitol rotunda, taking
selfies, must be driven into prison! The charge is public parading
and trespass!

So far it's working! Over thousand have been charged and hundreds
are now serving prison terms, some for several years each, while
the FBI, DOJ and DHS have targeted more then a1000 more
for arrest and given justice!!!!

Always vote for more democraaats to bring justice to American
citizens for love of country!!!!!!

Remember The Dixie Chicks? : A Band Gone Bad, Real Bad!!

One night on stage they decided to tell the world how much they hated The United States and Geroge Bush for his actions on the Iraqi invasion. Right or wrong, once they moved from singing into politics, their careers as signers ended and rightly so.

This might have been the beginning of the end for all of the ''bigger than life'' people on the world stage who profess their brilliance on aq daily basis, on most any subject they feel their smarts are needed, they painfully find they are not who they think they are!

This a fitting end to their performance. Millions decided they didn't like their politics and therefore their music!

And then what happened? Oh, right! It's called push-back!

Building Things Is Difficult! : Tearing Them Down Is democraaat!

Everyone must decide where they want to live, where civil society is under construction and constant or where destruction and the smell of smoke is a way of life!!

You can't have it both ways. Evil will never accomplish anything of worth.

If living in the light is progress, then never vote 
democraaat again! If you do, only sadness, pain and 
failure await you!

Friday, December 29, 2023

Police Chase Through Town Ending In Shoot Out! Fact or Fiction? (Video)

 Goodness, this seems real enough except the number of shots has to a story where the cops are terrible marksmen, or they were just unloading their weapons so they could reload and keep firing. 

Real bullets or blanks?

Dammed If You Do or Dammed If You Don't! : Marxist democraaats Are Here!!!

 No matter where you turn in modern society today, education, government or religion, if you are a hard work person that is in the trenches of reality, you are targeted as the problem and must be stopped before you do real damage to the new Marxist liberated norm;

 ''From each according to your abilities and To each according to your need''!

And who are these free-thinking monsters? The people that know better than what they are told IS the new normal, They are demanding what went before was and is much better than what is now professed as a better alternative.

Living with a gun to your head is much better than being out in the cold having to make decisions on your own where if you make a mistake, there loss of money and labor effort.

But if government makes all of the decisions for you, there is no loss other than self-esteem and taking pride in your own innovations. Your own destiny. See, having ride in a job well done not a good thing, living on your knees is not so bad, it's easy once you get used to it!

The pride in self is not a good thing for government that needs total control of all things, even your very soul!

Total government control of all things is understood to
be a good thing, even mass murder when it's taught in our
universities, is good and if done for right reasons!!

Make no mistake, if you don't obey, you must be 
discipled! Never question the narrative or the new 
agenda and ideology of ''One to Control the Many!''
or the result will be dire!

Freezing Or Roasting to Death Is Good! : Eating AND Driving too Much Is Bad! (CC)

It's called Mass Hyhypnosis forcing normal people to do things that they don't understand or would not willing do on their own but march in lock step anyway! It's real and insane. but it works for those that have designs on taking ultimate power for control.

The insane are in control of everything today.  And given what we see in the streets of most large cities here and around the world every day, killer monster mobs that have taken over the sanctity of our republic life in America, what's left to wonder how to escape to reality from this craziness. 

Isn't there anyone left to save our sorry asses from the mob? Oh wait, yeah there is, and he promises to Make America Great Again!

I like it!!

I've read where some experts believe if we can build 
special wind generators and place them on the wings
of aircraft, using pullies powered by large wind
 generators on the ground to get them moving,
the aircraft will fly under it's own power.

Sounds reasonable, right?

thinking like this will stunt the growth of real
innovation and profit generation! Sure some will
get richer but then how does that saying go
about the breaking eggs and omelets?

Tell the CC people that they are criminals will
assure your place in history and a shallow grave!

After all, .03% of the population can't be wrong and
forcing the rest  of us to do and say things that will
be seen in the very near future as having no worth
or meaning, but we are the crazy ones and not those
 that have convinced us to do their bidding!!!

To save ourselves, never vote democraaat!

Time Roll Out The Big Guns : Climate Change Is Back!! (November Is Close!)

November 2024 is closer than you think! Time to head to the streets! Everyone is going to die and not just the Jews!

Climate change(CC), global warming has many seeking professional help for an illness that has taken over the very existence of thousands that has a foundation in fact! (Medial professional experts believe this is similar to ''Trump Derangement Syndrome'' (TDS) which perhaps is seen directly a cause to the more pervasive effects and fatal in some cases. 

(One report but not published much in the media saw a woman jump to the death from a 17th flore of a building in New York City, and according to a note she left behind stated dying now, by my own hand would be better than waiting and be driven into a more painful death when Trump wins the election next November! A truly sad report!)

But pay no attention to any of that, the experts demand we listen and then do what we are told, open your wallets and purses, give $billions of dollars to researchers who are working selfishly for our wellbeing, for several decades if not longer,

And if we don't fork over more money and quickly, all will be lost, and it will your fault that the planet is on fire! What about your family left to suffer!

The worst to know in all this is the mental illness caused by (CC) alone has no limit to how or who it effects, there is no age limit or even if you are in good health to begin with or struggling. 

One of the leaders of the cause started out in her teens as a youth with a mental condition called Asperger's and complicated by autism and later, as an adult diagnosed with Eetal Alcohol syndrome. 

She fights every day rendering her on occasion, unexpectedly dizzy, lightheaded and babbling incoherently. But she still carries a lot of power in the community of experts and from those in the media and other forces around the world that need more of everything to wag the war to save us all form certain death. 

Waging war is costly!! (Some in leadership are struggling with Mecedes Benzes that are at least two years old and that is not a good look for those that the levers of power!!)

Greta understands her responsibilities to save mankind is difficult but forges on only when her health permits!

Greta Thornberg uses any tool she can to do what's 
right for the planet! (And live right!)

Getting rid of all the Jews will help cut down
on the Co2 contributing to the buildup of 
greenhouse gases!) Good for the planet!

The army of mentally ill people is something that the
medical experts are puzzled with but work feverishly to 
comprehend and solve! (More money needed though to
make sure the research moves forward!)

A Youth Gone Missing - No Trace : How Come?

 What in the world is going on with our civil society that such a young guy should or could just go missing, without a trace! 

Sorry that I have to bring this up on the Christmas season week but it just seems like we have to pay closer attention to our family members if they appear to be at risk.

Is it social media that is taking control or are we all just to tired trying to understand what's happened to make our lives so disruptive and chaotic, to care about what is the most important thing in our lives, our family, to what is going on right in front of our collective faces!

God be with this young man!

In a very sad and distressing turn of events, my sister’s nephew on her husband’s side, Gregory Nissley, has been missing since Nov. 12th — now over a month. He is only 17, and his car has been found abandoned 2.5 hours from his home in Limerick, PA in Upper Marlboro, MD. He disappeared after a shift at his job at the local Ace Hardware Store, seemingly without a trace. His phone records show no calls and his debit card has had no activity. No clothes went with him to change into after his shift at work. They have been searching on foot, with dogs, and have been dragging bodies of water near where his car was found abandoned. No leads of any kind have been identified. I’m posting this just to spread his information as much as possible, please share if you are inclined, you never know who may see it. A wish or a prayer sent out into the universe would also be welcomed, I’m heartbroken for my sister and all of Gregory’s family who are facing this Christmas season without knowing what has happened to him. It is every parent’s worst nightmare. 💛 EDIT: Please keep sharing—it is Christmas Day and still no leads or news!

Thursday, December 28, 2023

What IS Gun Control All About For Marxist democraaats?

 Truly it is all about the minority taking control of the majority by force if necessary, And just imagine how easy it would be without an armed population!

History is riff with examples of how it turned out for the people of past nations the population were just subjects and not citizens. 

Millions died and millions more enslaved to do the bidding of the elite few. 

The bottom line is being able to defind what we all know
is the most important thing is our lives, the freedom to chose!
Again, ''Freedom means having nothing else to lose!''

Ask and Amercian what is the most despicable situation
 to have to live with and they will tell you being told
what to do and when to do it by people who have no idea
what they are taking. They are not like us! They are
seen as having no importance in the larger scheme of
things or how we live their lives!!

Segregation is A Good Thing? : Sure, If It's For A Good Reason! Party Time!!

Ask any good Marxist democraaat if separating the races is okay if it is for a hood reason. They will in unison say it's a good thing. And the most important reason is that those in power say it's okay, and they just happen to be black and brown people. 

It is impossible to argue the point for what is right and wrong with this agenda and ideology. It's in the DNA of most democraaats, it's biological! Truly they believe they can't be racist! dah!!

If it's the brown and black people that make the point, no racism is intended. Everything is good! It's okay!!  

But if it's white people making the argument, then we know it's racist!

WOW! It's alright because we're democraaats and we make 
all the rules! And we don't see anything wrong with having a
racist party! And if you find that bad thing, go away.

And here is the true meaning of how democraaats understand
racism. ''I'm not racist but I know you are because you are
not like me!!''

Can White People Be Saved? When Only Black Lives Matter?

 And it's not only our former Speaker of the House of Representatives in Washington that finds her self and her collogues themselves up to their collective necks in the cesspool of Marxist newly liberated democraaat ideology.

It's now the entire Marx political socialist collective that is struggling to escape the rigors of maintaining the grip on the population as certain members are now seen as criminal and worse, a danger to our national security.

democraaat voters, who once were more than willing to accept anything they said and did, many who are even living in dumpsters and carboard boxes on the street but still vote democraaat. It just what they did and always have no matter how bad things got for them. How come?

But now, even when the dimmest among the democraaat voters supposedly and suddenly are beginning to see the light of day, they are starting to see the darkness of the democraaat agenda of lies and deception begin ot fade. 

Some say it's the clarity of Donld Trump lights the way forward that makes it easier for democraaats living on the edge of destruction to evaluate what the democraaats say and what they actually do.

WOW! Can it be just Dondald Trump that makes the difference between dumpster living and actually being able to have a life?

But now the question that remains is, is it too late to save the country from the democraaat agenda and Marxist ideology?

Pelosi drowning in the sewer cesspool of her won city,
San Francisco where that disgusting place is of
her own making!? She doesn't give a dam!!

Why Are Large Cities Dying? democraaat Agenda - Crime Works!!

 The question that's always becomes the only one that matters is, how did our largest cities become so completely out of control? Death and destruction everywhere!

Can it be that the people who are in power want it that way? Really, it can't be that those in power don't know the difference between what is civil and what is criminal, right?

And why is that a large majority of those in charge of crime ridden cities and states are democraaats?

Why would anyone that has to live in these cities and states ever vote to make sure that the crime can only get whose? Why would anyone vote for their own demise?? And yet they do year after year!!

And yet the voters continue to vote for more crime!

Why Are Young People So Confused About Whatz Real?

 A poll just out stated young people believe Osama bin Ladin find no fault with him, one in five!

What happened to our schooling!?

Some of the expert analysis stated that they didn't know the difference between names Osama and Ogbymma as most where not even born on 9//11, the names are close and to someone that hasn't done anything of merit where personal responsibility is required, it stands to reason they will do and say anything that is required to remine inside the loop. 

To actually make a decision on national and or international events that varies from the accepted norm of the socialist culture could mean being cast into the outer darkness outside the loop.

A horrifying experience to the young and the ignorant!

Just think about of all of the information that's available
to the youth today who have no idea what it all means and 
what the results are of making the wrong decision
as they have no history about what is right and
what is wrong in the real world.

''Hey, if it means I have to say I hate America to stay
inside the acceptable norm, I'll do that!''

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

What You See Is Not What You Get! : Life Is Just Make Believe!

To actually live life like it really is in the world we have now run by Marxist democraaats, would increase the suicide rate by 300%. 

So that's way the Marxist newly liberated democraaats are showing signs of increased demand for more examples of how people can be different, better looking, smarter, taller or even more human just by saying so.

It just can't get any easier than that! But when asked to explain themselves, they burn down the city!

Whatever you do, don't trust your lying eyes! And
100,000 years of biology, nonsense! Trust me, would
I lie to you? 

The main question now is, how we got to this place
in time to watch human beings demonstrate their
inability to recognize they are completely without
any sense of reality?

Headlines Tells What Exacty? : All That's Necessary!

 No need to apologize for what they tell us is real or not. All that's required is to believe. 

Shinny objects always work to perfection!

Water? What water?