Thursday, September 14, 2023

You Are Not A Good Person! : Marxist democraaats Coming For You!!

Climate change is out greatest threat to civil society. The virus is back of course as the next election ramps up, so masking up again must be mandated and shutting down the country next year will save us from Republicans winning in November bringing prosperity again, proving democraaats can't succeed in actual leadership for positive outcomes, failing the people again!  This must not happen!! 

Still, how many times can we be duped? It appears there is no limit.

democraaats know how to win. You can't fool all the people
all the time, right? But you don't have to fool all the people
all the time, just enough to win.

A Gore knew the lie would work but never as well as it has.
The truth is, this is still taught all across the country. None of it is
true and never has been but millions of good citizens are more
than willing to pay what is takes to save the planet,
year after year!

After the Marxist democraaats are done with changing our
live for the better, what's left will not be a transition that
will help our offspring survive. Dumpster living will 
eventually kill us all. A life without hoe is no life at all!

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