Sunday, September 17, 2023

Mitch Struggles With The ''Biiyden Syndrome'' : But Brain Freeze Is Not Fixable!

 Well it seems that Ol' Mitch is showing us all that he is past the point where he understands his establishment position in the Senate has been compromised. His friends want him gone.

The rumor says he should gather up his wife and head to greener pastures as the end is in focus and where is heart really is, China. He would be welcomed as a hero of the people much like Mao. Revered and worshipped as a true member of the ''classless society''.

He might even know he has joined the ranks of the ''beyond repair'' crowd that lurks the halls of the greatest debate society in the world. The MAGA monster is just too much for him to comprehend as the ''new wave'' members are removing the curtains from his office already. 

It's a sign that's hard to ignore.

The problem is Mitch is when the mind is coming apart
change it becomes to hard and complicated. Therefore make
your move to the exists before you find the door to your
office has a different name on it!

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