Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Election Game Plan for 2024 : democraaats Use What Works Best!

History tells the story. Fraud has always been the way forward for democraaats to win elections. And though the Republicans know this, every time they are duped into thinking just by have a good message, issues and proposals for prosperity, then getting it out into the public domain, the general public will see this, compare it to what the democraaats are saying and doing, even with an incumbent like Ol' Joe, they will therefore vote Republican to make things better for themselves and their families.

What nonsense!! How many times have we tired that but failed to deliver election victories? 

The upside is we are beginning to understand we have to use the same tactics the democraaats use to win elections, using every tool available including ballot harvesting, early voting of all kinds, door to door canvassing and hired operatives out in the field to organize the effort.

This election coming will actually be the one that determines the outcome of how we live in freedom or become enslaved for generation to come. But it does seem from reports out of Washington and elsewhere, the Republicans haven't learned the lessons for victory yet as the message for hitting ground running right now is nowhere to be seen.

The pivots are coming fast and furious to redirect the 
public's attention away from the country's in free fall!

Thousands of democraaats are on the move as we speak
organizing the effort to win another election by any
means necessary.

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