Monday, September 18, 2023

Old Joe On The Stump! : Listen to My Message! ''N@$g%@$bi%@gkd!! No Joke!!''

 When Ol' Joe is on stage trying read from the prompter he either drools or falls asleep in mid-sentence. But is it just me or does it seem like when Joe has the microphone in his hand, he becomes a better vision for us all of who he really is, a man with a broken brain. A fool on a fool's journey to nowhere.

Please explain why anyone would actually vote for him or anyone like him to lead to the prosperity of life and liberty? But the reality is millions of people will do just that!

Can there be that many people in our country with broken brains?

''I have done a good job for the country and when the snow
flies or the trees bend, I'll be next door trying to be the
best I can do like last Tuesday, or was it this Tuesday? What 
ever, I know what I'm doing n36&$ing, here in Ireland and or
elsewhere so there or here, but now I'm tired, but so
say good by and thank you for our service, the
meal was good! Leave the stage to your right''

It depends on when he had his last injection. The effects only
are good for a couple of hours. When it wears off, all hell
breaks loose in Joe brain.

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