Thursday, September 21, 2023

Who Are The Majority of ''The People''? : They Understand OR Are Fools?

I believe we really don't know! It's said the American people are not stupid. But again, we see many more masks on people then we did just a few weeks ago. But with the past fear of death that was drummed into our heads just a few short years ago if we didn't obey be enough to make the ''undecided'' majority this time to put their masks back on and comply?

If history is any harbinger of what will happen now and in the future, the pressure to comply will be immense. And believe it will begin with the demand schools having to mask up and, in many cases, shut down to ''bend the curve''.

The people in many places to scream No! No!, but in the end many will be willingly comply forcing those that know it's wrong into a confrontation with those in power, again!! 

The children be dammed!

Will common sense win out this time or will the greed for more money and power for control of all outcomes they missed the last time around win?

Always vote like your life depends on it and it does!

Truly, those at the levers of power are betting they can again
turn the majority back into the nightmare that nearly destroyed
our way of life forcing many to do things they instinctly knew
were wrong and yet they did it!

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