Saturday, September 02, 2023

Pivot! Pivot! Pivot! : Fear of Losing Power IS Totally Consuming!!

The Marxist liberated democraaats are moving the goalposts everyday it seems as the election for president comes closer. And as the inanity ramps up even though the election is 15 months away!

Each day we say there can't be anything more, new they can come up with to discourage the voters from electing someone that will ultimately take away their power to control others.

But they fool us with more outrageous schemes and totally unbelievable demands for keeping those in power now to remain in more. A Marxist democraaat without power is no more than a slug that creeps along the ground looking for a place to hide.

Believe, the ''pivots'' are not going to end until their power renewed or taken away!

Vote like your life depends on it!!

Vote Trump!!

There no limit what they will do to protect their access to the
national treasury and their personal bank accounts.

The worst national disaster in American history that has
caused more damage to the country than all of the
world wars in the past!!! Many generations will 
suffer the consequences because of what the Fau Ci
has done for only political and personal gain.

And who voted to make this happen? Will he democraaat
voters recognize themselves as the problem when they
 look in the mirror?
Not a chance!!!!

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