Sunday, September 17, 2023

The Legacy Media A Super Nova? : Their Time Is Now To Shine The Brightest!

Shine brightly by any means necessary as time is running out! All media tools must employed to secure their hold on what people think.

All media seems to have become totally without a grasp of reality. At some point the storied history, The Free Press'', they at some point began to lose focus on what their job was, investigative reporting the news as it happens, but instead have turn inward speaking only to the people they trust about what is going on in the country and the world.

They trust only the people just like themselves that have the same mind set and philosophical understanding of what is actually their job to just report the news.

Now the mainstream media is completely burdened with a new task of the more important aspect of fixing a broken society, one that has determined that they, the people, the masses, have options on what to think about what the truth is. 

The media knows what the truth is because they instinctively know from past experiences with and by conversations they have had with fellow news reporters on this very thing. We have the truth because our conventual wisdom is born from our years of determining just what the truth actually is. Why is this so difficult for them to understand?

Why is it such a problem for the lower classes in our great society to resist the wisdom of all of us in the media who have accumulated all of this information to help the population in make decisions for themselves and their families to become better and more production citizens?

The truth is what we say it is and if you object you are
 ignorant and therefore you're a danger to our society!

The question that remains is how did the media become
so far off course that no matter what they say is
found to false.

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