Sunday, September 10, 2023

Who's In Charge and Does It Matter for Millions of Citizens?

Maybe the Marxist liberated democraaats want more than just the ultimate power to control all outcomes. Maybe they want to control everything that has meaning in life. Is gulag living a bad thing for the population?

Maybe they want to change America once and for all where citizens are not in control of anything including who they are and what they will become. Only government will have the final say and if you don't agree with their decision, you will have to have an attitude change even by force if necessary!

Take the money and run!

The Chinese are making it work for them way not here? Even many in our won government agree as they are taking money from them to make the change here.

WHOA - That's so last century! We are better than that. Really? What is the definition of justice?

Biiyden is only a figure head for the Marxist democraaats.
The real power lies behind the throne pulling the strings
to make the country understand we are no longer free
to decided what's right and what's wrong.
Our Job now is to obey!

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