Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Biiydennomics Works to Perfection : Each Time A Bigger Lie! Vote democraaat!!

It makes sense if you tell a lie and it falls shored of expectation, you have to tell an even bigger lie the next time to, not only remain in the conversations but to increase your advantage over others you must tell another lie even bigger and more ridiculously false if the ignorant and grossly uneducated and uninformed are to believe it.

Surprise! Surprise! They line up to believe! But in reality, it's no surprise. Have you seen the news where the Seante is changing its dress code to accommodate a brain-dead senator Fetterman who refuse to wear anything other than a hoody and cut-off?

Is this a strategy to dumb down the Seante by democraaats to make it easier for the rest of the country to believe it's okay to be less than we want to be???

And now ask about how the hell did he win in the last election? It was Pennsylvania voters who came out of the woodwork to vote for someone is for all tense and preposes without even the minimum of functional abilities to dress himself to make decisions that not only effect the state but also the entire country.

Hmmmm And it's said the voters of America are smarter than we think? They can't be fooled???

Ol' grampa Joe and the Marxist liberated democraaat collective
are fooling everyone they can and it has always worked
for the Marxist democraaats to get what they want.
Even when a huge percentage of citizens are drowning 
in personal debt, they still believe.

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