Sunday, September 03, 2023

Mitch M's Intellectual Abilities Questioned! : Why Is He So Feeble Minded??

 Again, like Ol' Joe, with a life of government employment little is left to wonder why O'Connell is a stumble bum struggling to stay connected to reality. He had a brain freeze? Not really, it can be seen as intellectual rot from being too long in the cesspool of Washington!

But actually, he is just demonstrating what his entire life is really like as a result of being lost in a fog corrupted politics. (Maybe being so close to his Chinese wife hasn't been a good thing when she sings the songs of Chinese superiority over the hateful America way of life?)

Ever wonder why Ol' Mitch and Ol' Joe get along so well? Is it the result of being subjected to the WOKE virus? Or is it just that both have broken brains from too much greed and self-indulgence?

Mitch is no longer ready for prime time.

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