Wednesday, September 06, 2023

Donald Trump Must Be Stopped! : Democracy? The Constitution? Whatz That?

The prevailing slogan used by the Marxist liberated democraaats for the past year or so is democracy will be lost if Donald Trump succeeds the White House again.

The problem now is what definition of democracy is used to identify what it means for the two main groups that make use it to control our behavior. Still, it seems there is only one group that can effectible use it to perform its function, those that are elected to enforce it and those who actually write the law, deciding the basic tenants as who can do what and when. The deep state!

Given the fact the unelected are running the entire government now, it makes a lot of sense the 
Constitution is of little or no use any longer to identify what democracy really means.

Also, more problems arise when those in power find it necessary to decide the other group, the citizens, really don't have a need for democracy when all those in power are very qualified to make the rules for who gets access to democracy and who shouldn't and therefore the lesser individuals are relegated to ''stand-by'' status or jailed for disobedience!

The Marxists are no longer hiding in the shadows.

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