Monday, September 11, 2023

Joe Biiyden Is Hiding In Alaska From The American People? : Joe Is Shameless and Without Soul!!

Where is Joe Biiyden today? Our president! The leader of America and the free world? Shouldn't he be in New York city or Pennsylvania or the Pentagon commemorating this terrible event and speaking to the nation on how we as Amarians suffered the loss of so many from an attack of people who hate this country because it is free?

Why is Joe Biiyden in Alaska hiding from the American people and himself? Easy! He has no self-awareness that he is an empty suit, or totally without any inner shame for his drive for riches, greed, or his totally lack compassion for other people.

Barrrak knew from the beginning when he was  Ogbymma's vice president that he was mentally a small child and had none of the intelligence needed to lead the nation, but he would work out well as a puppet to lead Baraak into his third term if Joe ran again for president. 

Barrack knew Joe would be perfect!!! Joe was brain dead!

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