Monday, September 18, 2023

Why Are You Here Joe? : We've Earned A Right to Know!

This question always seems to come up when the discussion turns to politics and why the country is so screwed up. We all know that the country was going in the right direction when Donald Trump was making the decisions. 

Why do the liberated democraaats fear and hate him so much when he did so many good things for America? The Marxist liberated democraaats fear their power is going to be lost if Trumps comes back into office with his vision of America First. 

How to stop Trump is job one for the Marxists. Liberated democraaats decided it was time to finish the job by completing Barrrack's vision of how American needed to be ''Fundamentally changed'' to better represented his world view where America can be brought into the global fold of nations that govern with one purpose, a world government to assures equal outcomes.

Remember, Barrrack has stated on several occasions that our Constitution says what the government can't do for the people, he believes it should say what the government can do for the people.

Sadly, the entire world is in chaos from these efforts to change the direction of America from what the Founders originally intended, individual freedom and liberty for everyone, to do as we say because we know what is best for everyone!

But the chaos and conflict which engulf the world makes Barrrak's job easier, persuading the masses that he has the right idea to take the stress of uncertainty away and that America being cast adrift is not a bad thing. 

Trust him he says, all will be good once we understand the need for a centralized world government with a vision for what is needed to solve our problems here and around the world.  

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