Monday, September 04, 2023

The Dog's Noes Knows All!! : Joe Doesn't Understand!

It's rumored that the television show ''The Walking Dead'' was fashioned after Joe Biiyden and many other members of the democraaat collective, formerly the democraaat party. Is this a fact? Still, the democraaat agenda is clear enough for all to see.

So, stealing everything from others is just routine like in the TV show because they know they can and do as the entire established deep state government and media is there to protect them. The opposition to their tactics is minimal at best.

The Biiyden agenda is, ''This is how the family has always done the job of securing our legacy in the political world no matter the circumstances.'' Even though Joe is one step closer to being room temperature, it doesn't matter, the habit of taking from others is very hard to break.

Joe's trip to Maui five days after the fire is testimony to this fact that Joe is all about Joe and the rest of the country be dammed! His history is profound!!

A member of the ''Walking Dead!'' is found.

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