Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Climate Change Is The Fourth Rail of Polictics? : What's The Third Rail?

The Marxist Newly liberated democraaats understand to remain mired in the old days of dirty politics that they used for decades, generations to take from others for their own benefit is now a losing proposition. They instinctively know you have to clear new ground to convince the uninformed and profoundly stupid voters that they are headed for disaster if they don't voter like they are told.

The democraaats are continuingly manufacturing new and more horrendously catastrophic disasters to herd the weak democraaat voters back into line when they begin to question the democraaat narratives.

So, here comes climate change again, a killer of the world but to save the planet and democraaats,  only we can fix it if we are at the levers of power. 

Don't listen to those Republicans as they say, climate is of no importance, only God is in control of the climate. Goodness, such fools. They keep saying, claiming it's about jobs, wages and personal safety.

What nonsense! Hey, look over here at this shinny object in my hand, it's 30 pieces of sliver for you if you vote for us!!!

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