Sunday, September 10, 2023

They Lied Last Time About the Science But THIS time They Won't Lie!! Trust Us!!

 My goodness! Who would have thought the democraaats would run out the ''The Fau Ci'' again to demand we all wear masks and even shut down the country again. That it worked so well last time to steal the election, why not do it again. The Republicans are so stupid why won't notice even thouygh it's obvious for all to see.

But apparently the abject fear that Donald Trump might win next November is so great he will take away their ability of those democraaats is power today who must install Barrrack's ''fundamental change'' will be greatly diminished or totally destroyed is huge.

A Marxist democraaat without power is a total empty suit, a person totally without meaning or substance. A nothing burger!!

Can we trust any democraaat? Please, not
before sitting down to eat!!

Science like all other tools is used to gain
power over others by making it work for
them with misinformation and or
outright lies. Trust? Yikes!!

                                                                            Science like all objects found

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