Thursday, September 21, 2023

Sanctuary Cites Are Complaining About Immigrants? : What's Changed?

 New York city is having a problem dealing with the influx of thousands of immigrants taking government services to a standstill and costing $billions of dollars they don't have. And worse, the crime is on the rise but no police to handle the problems. They have been defunded as they are the problem.

I don't understand. They, the Marxist liberated democraaats opened the border to bring in 6 million new citizens so far over the last two years to all vote democraaat guaranteeing the destruction the Republican party completely but now the plan seems to have snag in the execution. 

The plan was for the millions of new citizens ware to remain in Texas, Arizonia New Mexico and California, not be bussed and flown all over the country to welcoming sanctuary cities.

The New York citizens are not happy with the democraaat plan!

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