Tuesday, January 02, 2024

The democraaat Voters Have Nothing To Vote For!!!! : Reality Evades Them!

 Criminal policy is all we have seen from all areas of the Marxist liberated democraaat collective who continue to tell us we are better off now then 4 years ago. But the one thing they have told us we can believe is that Biiydennomics is working as planned.

America is crashing into oblivion!

But most of us are not brain dead or at least I hope so anyway, finding the reality is clear and concise on the matter and obvious, this is not rocket science. We must change direction now and not a second later!

We are headed for the point of no return if the communists manage to get reelected this November. Pelosi anmd Barrrack promsied they will change Ameria once and for all!

Do the democraaat voters know about the very important and common short saying we all understand to be relevant and true for today's society, ''Fool me once, it's their fault, but fool twice, it's my fault!''

Never vote democraaat again, ever, at any level of government. To do so brings certain desolation and abject poverty.

democraaats move against the foundations of America.
Believe, they do actually hate this country as founded as much
as they are telling every day that they do!

Jack Smith has one thing that drives him every day of the
week and that's his job to be a good warrior for destruction
of the America like he promised he would if appointed as
prospector of Doanld Trump!

Luckily for us and the country, Jack Smith is headed 
for the ultimate reward for democraaats that fail to
deliver. They are cast into te outer darkness where
the powerless reside.

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