Friday, January 12, 2024

The Run For The White House for democraaats Is Do or Die!

 Get ready, the Marxist democraaats are preparing for their run for the White House. But no one believes it when they say, ''By any means necessary!'' They're serious!

democraaats  believe it's okay for Republicans to be out of power as they have a history of not trying to kill off their opponents when they lose like democraaats. It's history! They know this and play to this fact by destroying everything they come in contact with as the steal the wealth of the nation, knowing the Republicans will try and rebuild it. 

The democraaats know no matter how murderous the attacks on Republicans are, they won't retaliate in kind! It's just who they are! So logical, we must prepare as well!! Losing is not an option anymore! 

History also tells us there is appoint of no return even for the Republicans. I believe that the point of no return is this November. The country is dying a slow death while the evil runs wild in the streets and in our own government!

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