Sunday, January 21, 2024

Why democraaats Demand Masks : It's Their History! But Why Hide?

Some people find it necessary to hide their faces, and cases their entire bodies, as then take a stand for what they believe is necessary.  Hate works well when applied with a message of fear.

If some people are not sure of their own agenda and ideology for absolute power for control, it just makes good sense to put on a mask to demonstrate their personal affiliation with a cause that means, demands others will have to take a knee or suffer the consequences.

Old habits are hard to break especially when the democraaats
understand they will have an advantage over others. No one
can tell who they are as they bring death and destruction to our
civil society!!

Hey, nothing to see hear, just some folks getting ready to vote in
free elections in America. democraaats are all about freedom!

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