Sunday, January 14, 2024

It's Really About A Bad Choice! : A Choice? No, A Bad Calculation!!

 The democraaats do have a problem but it's not about those that want to hold office but pinpointing the right, most qualified, if democraaats can do that, possible among democraaat want-a-bes to take center stage.

So why did they pick Joe Biiyden? Did they believe he was the biggest loser ever and the easiest to fool into believing they really thought he was the best of the bunch??? And Barrrack didn't know after 8 years next door??

It's for the leadership to identify a person who the base voter will like and speaks to their needs. A person with the mental acuities beyond a green vegetable, a person that the collective can point to as a standard bearer and support!

But Joe Biiyden? Along with the family of complete criminals like Jimmy ''The Chin'' and Frankie ''Four Fingers'' in the shadows gather the needed loot for the family retirement arrangements. And then of course the family bagman, Hunter!

But rather they got instead someone that will jump when the attached strings are pulled to make him say and do what the closed-door brain trust wants no matter how bad the agenda of ideology would affect the country? 

Even when that demand is the ''Fundamental Change'' in the heritage of America's founding 250 years ago, they needed someone to carry the torch across the finish line.

But as it turns out, it's not just their failed agenda and ideology, but they picked a bad puppet to do the required dance as well!

When this guy gets to the head of the line with his return, the
person in charge will deny the return as anyone with eyes
cans see severely damaged goods when they see it!

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