Saturday, January 13, 2024

The Turning of The Year Brings More Bad News! : The floundering Ship of State!!

Another question, how many people understand what's rapidly coming our way? I am so baffled by what I see coming from our media and an entire political party (collective) concerning only what others might do to change the direction of our country as opposed to what the people who are in power now have done and are doing right now to latterly destroy our way of life, our God blessed country.

What's happening here? Why are so many people ready to accept enslavement as a way of life? Will they even know they have become slaves? Are they so disconnected from reality that having to take a knee will be okay as long as they have the most precious thing in their life is still working, their phones!?

But even when their phones have restricted use, will they awaken to the real hell they find themselves in? Doubtful!

But it can't happen in America, right??!! America is a free nation. Always has been, always will be! Not to worry. The guys at the door are from the government and they are here to help!!

Again, living on your knees and in a dumpster isn't so bad once you get used to it! But the disease you are inflicted with is incurable for most. 

You can deny reality without pause as you are totally convinced you are right!

The hand off couldn't come to soon for this guy as we approach
 the edge of oblivion. Now the next question is, can the next guy
turn the ship of state around before she goes over!

Please answer this question, where did this guy
come from and why is he here?

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