Sunday, January 28, 2024

Time To Bring Back Pride In Who We Are!! : Stand Tall And Strong!!

 It's way past time to take a stand against the Marxists that are here, and demanding America stand down and be ruled by sycophants who accept an ideology of centralized control and hate for the American dream where the individual freedom to choose one's own destiny without the boot of government on their throats is paramount!

Our Constitution is clear, the founders of this great nation knew we would need a guide in the future and that sacrifice would be needed again as they sacrificed to gain our independence. Now, today it's our duty to protect what so many before us have given in this scared bold and beautiful experiment for individual freedom to reign supreme!

No more hand wringing or apologizes but taking a stand for what we know is right and true. The millions of citizens that have gone before and paid the ultimate price so we can do our duty now to show the world who we are!!

"Freedom means having nothing else to lose''!! And we will not fail in this effort for honor and duty!!

Rifle practice in schools for everyone. We can take a lesson
from the Israelis where everyone has a duty to God, family
and country!  

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