Wednesday, January 31, 2024

The Race Is On : It's Virus Time Again!!

Old Joe has the troops on the move getting ready to unleash the next pandemic probably in late August or early September. The timing is critical! 

This will leave enough time to convince the general public to mask again and shut down the country, especially the schools, to finish off any hope for the country's children, the next generation, to ever believe they have any chance of becoming viable citizens in the larger civil society. 

The overall plan by the Marxist democraaats to make sure they stay in power and breed the largest army of uneducated supporters ever seen. (Along with the 40 million of illegal immigrants is how Joe wins in November!) 

America will be ''fundamentally'' changed!

Never ever vote for your own demise, others will though.

It just make good snese to want to hide from reality when 
all around you it reality is life in the real world. But if you
don't have a life then being a democraaats is the only way
to live is as a slave to someone else!

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