Saturday, January 13, 2024

The Control Is Nearly Complete! : The New Electronic Big Brother!

 Little is left for us to wonder about now as everyone is connected to everyone else and to be disconnected means enduring a slow and painful death. What will do when you can't access your phone more the 60 times a day? Is it simply to just fill the emptiness you have due to the fact you have no life of your own!?

The only meaning in life is how many people you are connected to and what is right and good for you to become an accepted member of the group. To not belong means you're not worthy as a human being in the larger society. 

God forbid.

Stayed connected!  As if you actually have a choice
in the matter, If your phone proclaims you as a worthless
individual, therefore you are worthless!!

Find a tall bridge or building and then jump to relieve
the pain of unacceptance!!

Never say you don't care because if you do, others will pronounce
you as a denier of the new normal. Yikes!

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