Sunday, January 14, 2024

Greta's Reserection Is A Pivot : democraaats Have to believer Her!

 democraaats are totally terrified of Donald Trump as he says this time, he will eliminate the deep state once and for all when he gets back into the White House. And even better, since the democraaats believe Trump is actually able to throttle the shadow government, the unelected government blood suckers, Marxist sycophants that currently stealing the people's power for control, they know he is qualified to do just that!

So, one can see why the democraaats are ready to do her bidding. She is young, a female and autistic! She as well is affected by fetal alcohol syndrome as well as a Aspergers condition. The democraaats say this is way she more then qualified to lead the Climate Change mob!

What's not to like about Greta for the average Marxist democraaats! Lead on Greta, the mob is close behind!

Ask any Marxist democraaat what they believe
is the most important threat to America, they will
answer, after Republicans its climate change!

And if that's not enough to make a decision
concerning whether your government is ready,
qualified o lead, then you are a candidate for

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