Thursday, January 18, 2024

Hunter Biiyden Makes His Move! : THE MOVIE!

 Hollywood couldn't pass up the opportunity to show their support for those among us who have the courage to take a stand against the oppression of big government overreach.

As anyone who has been paying attention and not living under a log knows, and is very concerned about is the ongoing nightmare that Hunter has had to endure ever since before the election of 2020 and beyond.

Finally, now with this deep dive into what really happened and who is responsible for the attacks on this man for just wanting to be a good son to his father who is president of The United States, his story is being told in vivid honesty and clarity.

It's so important to know the truth in our current atmosphere of deception and out right lying about everything in our civil society. Now we can find out who he is and what really happened during those years of struggle with diction and his miraculous recovery.

Finally, the truth!!! America!!

Gosh! He tried to run away from those who wanted 
to destroy him and his father but in the end he knew
he had to face them. And he did! A heart warming
story of coming back to faces one's enemies, telling the
truth and coming out on top!

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