Sunday, January 14, 2024

Come One Come All : Everything Is Free! (Until It Isn't!!)

 And what is the theory on unlimited immigrations where 10's of millions of immigrants, from all over the world are coming here or are here already, The Great Replacement Theory!?

Joe says we need new people to help him take the country into the 22nd century where the Chinese will rule the world and democraaats will be their pass-through handymen to assist in the modification of all things Americans who still might believe their live are real!

Joe says the more the merrier. "Hey no joke, millions of new
residents living well are an asset to our democracy! Knowe this
as well, you horse faced pony soldier, they vote to!!''

And Joe knows no matter how destructive to the country, the media
as willing participants in the demise of the American dream, they will
 suffer no consequences. Everyone knows the media confirm what
Joe says, it was the Republicans fault for the destruction.

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