Monday, January 29, 2024

democraaats Are About The Arts!! : The Art of Deception and Debauchery!

 If lying was a contest, people with common sense would have to apply to be contestants as the democraaats would win every time.

Their bench of contestants is huge and well educated in the art of lying and stealing everything that belongs to someone else as they have never done anything in all of their existence to produce or create anything of worth.

The law is for others ot obey. Worse, the majority of the
people know this but seem powerless to stop them from
destroying the historical American dream. 

Maybe our last and best chance to do something to end
the reign of terror and destruction of our country is electing
Donald Trump who understands what needs to be done to
 save our county now and for future generations.

Know also this, if we fail in this task set before us, it is
possibly our last chance to save the country from becoming a
socialist nightmare of historical proportions!!

The few ruling the many with an iron fist!

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