Friday, January 12, 2024

Academia Can't Hide Their Ideological History : No Room At The Top!

 She was just window dressing to hide the mob with the pitch forks readying for their final push for the they see as the best window of opportunity since early in the last century to take ultimate control.

They know with no moral or ethical agenda in Washington right now, they have to make this their best effort taking everything of worth before November when someone with common sense and actual moral standing might take the White House from their friends, to wait for better times seems foolish. 

Having control of academia then, at all levels, even preschoolers are being taught that hate can do wonders for controlling people in a civil society. 

The Marxists, the communists believe if the children can be taught to hate their leaders, ''including'' to hate their parents, they can be taught to hate ''diversely'' everyone else that might get their collective way ''equally''.

This way, no one is Lett out of the loop! Burn it down! The power for absolute power is at hand.

Then what is left for the Marxists to bring their
agenda and ideology to the entire country. And lets not
forget the millions of immigrants with nothing to do,
 looking for their place in our open society.

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