Sunday, October 23, 2022

Who Is The Real Enemy of The People? : The Media? What Else!!

 Say it ain't so! But where would the Marxist democraaats be if it wasn't for the media to manage the goings and comings of all democraaats? And it's not just the legacy television channels, the lettered channels, it's all cable channels as well save FOX, and nearly all printed media that has taken on themselves to distort and outright lie about what the democraaats intend for the country.

And now as the midterms are on us and the democraaats are looking to be smashed, the amount of mind-blowing disinformation and lies about Republicans and Conservatives have become beyond the pale, something so delusional that the average citizen is totally dumfounded.

The scary part in this is how many actually believe what
they see and hear is real or a distortion of the truth?

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